Function: ENDS-WITH


Test whether SEQ1 ends with SEQ2. In other words: return true if the last (length seq2) elements of seq1 are equal to seq2.


(defun ends-with (seq1 seq2 &key (test #'eql))
  "Test whether SEQ1 ends with SEQ2. In other words: return true if
  the last (length seq2) elements of seq1 are equal to seq2."
  (let ((length1 (length seq1))
        (length2 (length seq2)))
    (when (< length1 length2)
      ;; if seq1 is shorter than seq2 than seq1 can't end with seq2.
      (return-from ends-with nil))
       for seq1-index from (- length1 length2) below length1
       for seq2-index from 0 below length2
       when (not (funcall test (elt seq1 seq1-index) (elt seq2 seq2-index)))
         do (return-from ends-with nil)
       finally (return t))))
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