
Reducing and Collecting 


Reducing consists of taking one value and combining it with some other value to produce a new value. This process is repeated as many times as we want.

(defun make-reducer (function &optional (initial-value nil initial-value-p))
  "Create a function which, starting with INITIAL-VALUE, reduces
any other values into a single final value.[...]

FUNCTION will be called with two values: the current value and
the new value. FUNCTION should return exactly one value.

The reducing function can be called with n arguments which will
be applied to FUNCTION in after the other (left to right) and
will return the new value.

If the reducing function is called with no arguments it will
return the current value.


 (setf r (make-reducer #'+ 5))
 (funcall r 0) => 5
 (funcall r 1 2) => 8
 (funcall r) => 8"
  (let ((value initial-value))
    (lambda (&rest next)
      (when next
        ;; supplied a value, reduce
        (if initial-value-p
            ;; have a value to test against
            (dolist (n next)
              (setf value (funcall function value n)))
            ;; nothing to test againts yet
            (setf initial-value-p t
                  value next)))
      ;; didn't supply a value, return the current value
(defmacro with-reducer ((name function &optional (initial-value nil)) &body body)
  "Locally bind NAME to a reducing function. The arguments
FUNCTION and INITIAL-VALUE are passed directly to MAKE-REDUCER."[...]
  (with-unique-names (reducer)
    `(let ((,reducer (make-reducer ,function ,@(list initial-value))))
       (flet ((,name (&rest items)
                (if items
                    (dolist (i items)
                      (funcall ,reducer i))
                    (funcall ,reducer))))


Building up a list from multiple values.

(defun make-collector (&optional initial-value)
  "Create a collector function.
A Collector function will collect, into a list, all the values
passed to it in the order in which they were passed. If the
callector function is called without arguments it returns the
current list of values."
  (let ((value initial-value)
        (cdr (last initial-value)))
    (lambda (&rest items)
      (if items
            (if value
                (if cdr
                    (setf (cdr cdr) items
                          cdr (last items))
                    (setf cdr (last items)))
                (setf value items
                      cdr (last items)))
(defun make-pusher (&optional initial-value)
  "Create a function which collects values as by PUSH."
  (let ((value initial-value))[...]
    (lambda (&rest items)
      (if items
            (dolist (i items)
              (push i value))
(defmacro with-collector ((name &optional initial-value from-end) &body body)
  "Bind NAME to a collector function and execute BODY. If
  FROM-END is true the collector will actually be a pusher, (see[...]
  MAKE-PUSHER), otherwise NAME will be bound to a collector,
  (with-unique-names (collector)
    `(let ((,collector ,(if from-end
                            `(make-pusher ,initial-value)
                            `(make-collector ,initial-value))))
       (flet ((,name (&rest items)
                (if items
                    (dolist (i items)
                      (funcall ,collector i))
                    (funcall ,collector))))
(defmacro with-collectors (names &body body)
  "Bind multiple collectors. Each element of NAMES should be a
  list as per WITH-COLLECTOR's first orgument."[...]
  (if names
      `(with-collector ,(ensure-list (car names))
         (with-collectors ,(cdr names) ,@body))
      `(progn ,@body)))